Business Operation System



Tax Consultancy, Finance & Accounting Management


The BOS team is firmly convinced of the importance of keeping complete and accurate records by all businesses and individuals, especially those who have to submit Tax reports.


  • Tax Consultancy: Financial Reporting

Our modern services provide clients/partners with a high quality compliance service in all aspects of local taxation and financial reporting and documents required by regulatory and governmental authorities.


  • Financial Analysis

Sometimes, companies are overwhelmed by their expansion, and do not take the time to build internal capacity to support their growth. Others do not have the skills to produce financial reports (whether they may be forecasting, or analysis, etc.) thus, in both cases, they require an independent party to assist them in performing objective and unbiased financial representation.


  • Accounting

BOS provides accounting outsourcing services for small to medium sized companies that do not need full time staff to perform accounting and booking tasks. BOS professionals are experienced in both Non-profit and Business sectors and provide the required accounting service to fit the need of clientele.



Custom Software Solutions


BOS provides pragmatically innovative solutions for customers, based on their needs and environment. We provide our customers with the opportunity to build sustainable competitive advantage over rivalry.

BOS customized software has a lot of advantages over packaged software. It is designed to meet specific business needs. Businesses with specific needs actually see the benefits they cannot hope to get with off the shelf software, which is made for general use. With BOS custom applications, companies work under a unique information technology infrastructure. Since the programs and applications are geared to business requirements, there is convenience and efficiency with greater performance.